Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes visits Àban

On Friday 10th January we were delighted to welcome Kate Forbes MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic.

Ms Forbes met with participants, staff & Trustees and heard all about our work over the last few years. It was a great chance to tell our story about the contribution which social enterprise can make to the local economy, in addition to the social impact of our charitable work. She is a keen outdoors person herself and we were really struck by how much she "gets it", especially in terms of how outdoor experiences can help young people overcome anxiety.
We had an open and constructive discussion on issues including:
- The concerning Lack of local authority outdoor provision in Highland Council area
- Our support for the Schools (Residential Outdoor Education) (Scotland) Bill
- Celebrating Glenmore Lodge and The European Nature Trust - our key partners
- The success of the Scottish Government's support structure for social enterprise

Overall this was a brilliant start to our year. What a fantastic morale boost to have this visit, and great to have the knowledge that there is an advocate for outdoor learning at the top tier of Scottish Government.